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Frisbee S&C, late winter 2025
Bug fixes & performance improvements
ClojureDart: an experience report
Say you want a cross-platform mobile app. You think, “I could use Flutter!” – then your heart is crushed by Dart’s long-winded syntax and elaborate object system. If only you could write it in a dynamic, functional lisp…
On Fear
Collected wisdom on pre-competition dread
Sci-fi tropes in Known Space
Raw notes judging Larry Niven & co.
Idiomatic errors in Clojure
How to deal when your program can’t even
Strength & conditioning, winter 2024
My plan for this Ultimate (Frisbee) off-season
Design of a baby changing station
An integrated development environment for infant waste management.
My Library
My collection of other people's words.
High Return-on-Investment Exercises
Workout elements which I find give much general physical preparedness in return for effort invested.
My morning routine
Brief but essential maintenance for your body, every AM.
Two Stories of China
I made the terrible mistake of reading Iron & Silk and American Shaolin back-to-back.
My İzmir
2015-era recommendations for foreigners (especially ACI/SEV teachers and family) living in the Turkish coastal city of İzmir. Focuses on the Göztepe neighborhood.
Short fiction about the decisions we've made as a polity.
Catanese: The Medical Care of the Judoka
Book report of a text useful to all grapplers.
Ishikawa & Draeger: Judo Training Methods
Reporting on a book that changed judo physical culture.