(defn get-symbol []
(as-> (sym/variable "data") data
(sym/fully-connected "fc1" {:data data :num-hidden 128})
(sym/activation "relu1" {:data data :act-type "relu"})
(sym/fully-connected "fc2" {:data data :num-hidden 64})
(sym/activation "relu2" {:data data :act-type "relu"})
(sym/fully-connected "fc3" {:data data :num-hidden 10})
(sym/softmax-output "softmax" {:data data})))
(defn lstm [num-hidden in-data prev-state param seq-idx layer-idx dropout]
(let [i2h (sym/fully-connected (str "t" seq-idx "_l" layer-idx "_i2h")
{:data in-data :weight (:i2h-weight param)
:bias (:i2h-bias param) :num-hidden (* num-hidden 4)})
h2h (sym/fully-connected (str "t" seq-idx "_l" layer-idx "_h2h")
{:data (:h prev-state) :weight (:h2h-weight param)
:bias (:h2h-bias param) :num-hidden (* num-hidden 4)})
gates (sym/+ i2h h2h)
slice-gates (sym/slice-channel (str "t" seq-idx "_l" layer-idx "_slice") {:data gates :num-outputs 4})
in-gate (sym/activation {:data (sym/get slice-gates 0) :act-type "sigmoid"})
in-transform (sym/activation {:data (sym/get slice-gates 1) :act-type "tanh"})
forget-gate (sym/activation {:data (sym/get slice-gates 2) :act-type "sigmoid"})
out-gate (sym/activation {:data (sym/get slice-gates 3) :act-type "sigmoid"})]
(lstm-state (sym/+ (sym/* forget-gate (:c prev-state))
(sym/* in-gate in-transform))
(sym/* out-gate (sym/activation {:data next-c :act-type "tanh"})))))
The joke o Iso nt thoo ief s o se lds , por rs e maa tyoir at oro slk i lely eerre Whoethaaliis e tthoo o actitoou msea to utsu , s t ratthhee oainrgielnearip er pte e r da int htahoe
The joke schools to open health care and every child or whether or children at a single party that makes America adved-us to callying as new technology to early halfalishs of the wares.TF
(thanks to contributors Kedar Bellare and Nicolas Modrzyk)
"Large research groups [have the resources] to tune models on 450 GPUs for 7 days"
(def model
(-> (Word2Vec$Builder.)
(.minWordFrequency 5)
(.iterations 1)
(.layerSize 100)
(.seed 42)
(.windowSize 5)
(.iterate (BasicLineIterator. "resources/raw_sentences.txt"))
(.tokenizerFactory (doto (DefaultTokenizerFactory.)
(.setTokenPreProcessor (CommonPreprocessor.))))
(.getWordVectorMatrix model "day")
;; #object[org.nd4j.linalg.cpu.nativecpu.NDArray 0x59073fb5 "[0.41, 0.21, 0.15, -0.21, -0.04, -0.40, -0.12, -0.10, -0.32, 0.35, 0.21, 0.28, 0.12, -0.07, 0.05, -0.07, -0.20, 0.21, 0.14, -0.15, 0.07, 0.20, 0.42, -0.23, 0.10, -0.40, 0.11, -0.42, -0.19, -0.11, 0.29, -0.00, 0.46, -0.51, 0.14, -0.23, 0.08, -0.21, -0.07, 0.10, -0.31, -0.19, 0.11, 0.21, -0.07, -0.12, -0.47, -0.16, 0.16, -0.14, 0.28, 0.04, 0.24, -0.14, -0.35, 0.09, -0.24, -0.07, 0.16, -0.46, -0.28, -0.01, 0.15, 0.43, 0.16, 0.04, 0.04, 0.19, -0.25, -0.35, 0.24, -0.06, 0.18, -0.01, -0.03, 0.10, 0.06, 0.11, 0.13, 0.04, -0.03, -0.19, -0.45, 0.12, -0.00, 0.04, 0.17, -0.34, -0.03, -0.18, -0.11, 0.01, 0.15, -0.06, -0.19, 0.25, 0.01, 0.28, -0.32, -0.11]"]
Automatic translation of Fortran to JVM bytecode, Keith Seymour and Jack Dongarra 2003